Friday, February 29, 2008

February 29, 2008

Greatly enjoyed the lecture today Pete :-) Sounds like you had an interesting experience in Mexico...can't wait until I can go. I remembered what I've been doing this week at work. The Town annexed a new property, so I needed to update my layer files. And I was able to take a CAD file (.dxf) and put it into my existing shapefile. So I've been learning in class.

Now I'm off to Raleigh for a conference on Urban Design and then a CD release party for my husband's cousin. The group is now entitled "When Cousins Marry." I'm a bit worried about the party, but I'm sure it will be fine.

February 29, 2008

Friday, February 22, 2008

February 22, 2008

Since Pete didn't get the revised exercise on the blog correctly, the mapping exercise was a bit easier. Spent some time working on the map. Didn't have enough space on my flash drive to download the waterways layer, so I just used the major hydrography layer. I did find a layer containing federal lands, which show the national parks and forest. Also came upon the aerial images while searching the server, so I added that as well. At least it is a nice looking map.

Helped Tammy for a while trying to show clipping. Had problems I hadn't experience before and was able to solve some, but not all for her. Also showed how to insert the Title, Text Box, scale bar, etc. for the layout. Hopefully her map will be nice as well.

I'm off to meet with my cabinet lady. Hopefully we can get the layout finalized and get a price.

February 22, 2008

Friday, February 15, 2008

February 15, 2008

Since we're all sharing our favorite commercials, I thought I would join in on the fun. As you know, I'm a fan of birds so I thought this would be appropriate.

Class was really interesting today. I didn't know how easy it would be to use Google Maps, but I'm glad to have learned the basics. I can see Google becoming much more important in the world of GIS. Hopefully they can force ESRI to lower their prices.

Test results turned out fine. It appears as though some things are at least starting to sink in.

February 15, 2008

February 15, 2008 - My House

View Larger Map

Friday, February 8, 2008

February 9, 2008

Maybe I am actually learning something because the test questions seemed fairly logical for a change. The question is, have I learned more about map projections. I understand the concept and why they are needed, but I get very confused about the different types and when they are transverse, etc. As Pete said, we won't typically need to create the projections ourselves, so hopefully what I know will be enough. I'm sure the exercise next class will drive home any questions I might have.

I promised photos from Costa Rica, but my husband is slow. This is the only one he has sent me thus far. It is a female scarlet macaw sitting on her nest in Parque Carrara. It was actually pretty amazing that she came out when she did, as she was only visible for about 15 seconds. More amazing that Herb could get a photo. Hope you all enjoy.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

February 2, 2008

Even though some of the information presented in Chapter 4 is a repeat of GIS 111, it's still confusing. It's still amazing how much background information is involved in addition to learning the software. I was very excited about the exercises in class about symbology. Although I've played around with the different functions some, it is a good tutorial about the different visuals that can be created. Don't know how I'll put them to use yet, but I'll try.

Been having a tough week at work. Trying to format a database provided to me by the fire marshall. I starting to get a bit annoyed with all the parcel numbers. I have different addresses, different business names,and multiple businesses per property. What a pain. If Pete can solve my problem relating tables maybe I can actually create a map.

And for those following my family my grandmother fell and broke her wrist and twisted her shoulder. She's had pins put in the shoulder and won't be able to use her arm (of course the right) for several weeks. Dad seems to be doing very well and he's been back at work for a few weeks.

February 2, 2008