Friday, April 25, 2008

April 25, 2008

Apparently I skipped a few blogs, so I put two new maps to compensate. They show some potential annexations for the Town of Fletcher. The zoomed map illustrates a particular neighborhood with whom the Town Council will be meeting next week. Much more simple than maps I've been doing, but I know the community members will primarily be interested in the location of their property and whether or not they would be impacted.

Found the class discussions quite interesting today. I have been using the Gallery typeface on my maps lately, although is uses serif style so it may not be appropriate for a streets layer. No one has complained yet, so I'll keep using it. But I might start searching for a new favorite style.

Off to Charlotte for the weekend to visit the in-laws.

April 25, 2008

April 25, 2008

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

April 4, 2008

Since I didn't get a chance to print a map in class, I've posted one on my blog. It is still a work in progress. Thus far I have created three annotation layers, one for Henderson County streets, one for Buncombe County streets, and one for water lines in the Fletcher vicinity. The map is close, but I still need to create a better database for the fire hydrants and add the locations of the three story building. I'm pleased with how it has turned out since there are many different layers. As long as the fire department is happy, it will be fine.

Otherwise, I'm researching which nearby jurisdictions have a fee in lieu of sidewalks program as Fletcher may consider this option once again. Apparently the Council turned it down a few years ago, but some new projects are forcing us to revisit the idea.

Hope everyone has been having a good week.

April 4, 2008