Monday, August 18, 2008

August 18, 2008

Since Pete bugged us about not updating our blogs during the summer, I thought I would post some of the maps I've created for work. We have the latest and greatest Zoning map, complete with several new parcels and rezonings. There is the potential annexation area to the south of Town, which the Town Council voted down much to my surprise – talk about controversy. A new and improved Greenways map for the Parks and Recreation Department. And finally, an Infrastructure map, with a fun annotation layer of the water lines. If only I could get the sewer district to complete the update of their layer.
I’ve also been working on a building footprints layer, which is extremely tedious. After many days of tracing buildings on the 2001 aerial, I am only 50% complete with the layer. Hopefully I will finish it soon and can think of an exciting class project for it.
While doing some research for Pete's USB connection, I stumbled across this blog about cloud computing, which I thought I would share with the class.
I have had a very eventful and stressful summer. It all started off well with a trip to Germany. Then we started remodeling the bathroom early in the summer, which we finally completed in July. A very nice woman let us live with her for a month while they did the work. If only Home Depot hadn’t damaged the tub, life would have been a lot easier. My husband’s father passed away somewhat unexpectedly during the renovations, which just added to our stress. So, I chopped of my hair in hopes a short cut would be easier, which it never is. Maybe I’ll go shorter still….any opinions?
Looking forward to next class Pete.

1 comment:

Pete Kennedy said...

I like your hair short!