Tuesday, August 26, 2008

August 25, 2008

More homework, unbelievable. After trouble with Media Player and Internet Explorer, I was able to view the presentation. Have I mentioned my CAD class in college that didn't go so well? At least GIS is a lot more simple to understand. Let's see what I learned from the video.
With ArcGIS 9.2 they have improved the software's ability to match symbology, fonts, and rendering. Additionally you can now create world files to define the transformation of your data. A tool that seems quite useful is the two-point transformation, which maintains the aspect ratio of the CAD dataset. One can also scale, rotate, and shift a CAD layer to match the extent of an ArcMap layer.
What I would consider the greatest advancement is the capability of the software to translate CAD data into a geodatabase. This allows the user to edit a layer and apply more advanced cartographic representations. Similarly, one is able to convert a modified dataset back to CAD format. I can imagine this is quite useful as well.
Let's see, news from home. Not much exciting. We had a very relaxing weekend, including some hiking at Holmes Experimental State Forest. No quite as scenic as Dupont State Forest, but very solitary and nice. We also learned our apple tree produces Gala apples, so we will be making some apple sauce this week.

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