Tuesday, February 5, 2008

February 2, 2008

Even though some of the information presented in Chapter 4 is a repeat of GIS 111, it's still confusing. It's still amazing how much background information is involved in addition to learning the software. I was very excited about the exercises in class about symbology. Although I've played around with the different functions some, it is a good tutorial about the different visuals that can be created. Don't know how I'll put them to use yet, but I'll try.

Been having a tough week at work. Trying to format a database provided to me by the fire marshall. I starting to get a bit annoyed with all the parcel numbers. I have different addresses, different business names,and multiple businesses per property. What a pain. If Pete can solve my problem relating tables maybe I can actually create a map.

And for those following my family drama....now my grandmother fell and broke her wrist and twisted her shoulder. She's had pins put in the shoulder and won't be able to use her arm (of course the right) for several weeks. Dad seems to be doing very well and he's been back at work for a few weeks.

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